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뜯어먹는 중학 영숙어 13일 차입니다.
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한달 마무리 잘 하시기 바라고
휴가이신 분들도 계실텐데 그곳이 어디든,
귀요미와 함께 매일매일 꾸준히 공부하시면서 쉬운 중학영어 뿌셔보자고요~!!!
딸이 타이핑 치는거라 가끔 오타가 있을 수 있답니다.
오타 말씀해주시면 재깍 고칠게요.
오타 지적해주시는 분은 정말 꼼꼼히 읽으셨다는 증거가 되겠네요.
협조해 주시리라 믿고 미리 감사드립니다. ^-^
내사랑 귀요미~ 오늘도 열공 파이팅~!!!
1. in favor of ~에 찬성[지지]하여
I am in favor of his opinion.
2. take after (특히 부모님을) ~를 닮다
John takes after his mother.
3. call for ~을 요구하다; ~을 필요로 하다
You can call for dessert after meal.
4. take a look at ~을 보다
Take a look at this old picture.
5. amaze 놀라게 하다
She amazed me with her creativity.
6. comfort 안락, 위로
Chocolate ice cream is my comfort food.
7. confident 자신감 있는, 확신하는
I want to feel confident when you ask questions.
8. excite 흥분시키다, 신나게 하다
The thought of traveling excites me.
9. fortunate 운이 좋은, 다행스러운
I was very fortunate to have a great teacher like Ms. Lee.
10. grateful 고마워하는, 감사하는
I'm really grateful to you for your advice.
11. hopeful 희망에 찬
She was very hopeful about her future.
12. relax 휴식을 취하다, 긴장을 풀다
Just relax and have some tea. Everything will be okay.
13. satisfy 만족시키다, 충족시키다
You're always complaining. Nothing can satisfy you.
14. terrific 아주 멋진, 훌륭한
I passed the exam. I feel absolutely terrific.
15. frightened 겁먹은, 무서워하는
The dog looked tired and frightened.
16. frustrate 좌절감을 주다, 좌절시키다
What frustated him was that there was on prograss?
17. get irritated at ~에 짜증나다
Don't get irritated at his comments.
18. activate 작동화시키다, 활성화시키다
A fire alarm was activated around 4 a.m.
19. avoid 피하다, 막다
Avoid tall structures such as towers or tall trees.
20. observe 관찰하다/준수하다
Please observe the rules and guidelines for your safety.
21. operate 조작하다, 가동시키다
You should learn how to operate the safety.
22. remind 상기시키다
Remind drivers to buckle up.
23. replace 바꾸다, 교체하다
You should replace any broken windows.
24. dip 살짝 담그다
She dipped the bread into some soup.
25. fetch 가서 가지고 오다
I threw a stick and my puppy fetched it.
26. recharge 충전하다, 재충전하다
She plugged her cell phone in to recharge it.
27. reflect 비추다/반사하다/심사숙고하다
The house was reflected in the pond.
28. shift 옮기다, 바꾸다
Shift your weight from your left foot to your right foot.
29. sort 분류하다, 구분하다/ 종류
To sort laundry, start with colors.
30. take shelter (from) ~을 피하다, ~로부터 피난하다
Take shelter from the rain under a tree.
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