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어제보다 나은 오늘과 내일이 되기 위해
우리 모두 파이팅입니다~!!!
1. communication 의사소통
Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.
2. concentration 집중(력)
She frowned with concentration.
3. industry 산업, 근면
At that time the industry was floundering.
4. exist 존재하다
Does life exist on other planets?
5. respond 반응하다
How did they respond to the news?
6. compare 비교하다
Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors.
7. tomb 무덤
The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.
8. satellite (인공) 위성
The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.
9. earn (돈을) 벌다
She must earn a fortune.
10. forgive 용서하다
Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned.
11. someday (미래) 언젠가
Is it possible for us to visit Saturn someday?
12. emergency 비상[응급]
Emergency generators cut in.
13. official 관리, 공무상의, 공식적인
The official launch date is in May.
14. pole 막대기
And pole dance. - Pole dance?
15. bury 매장 되어 있다
They tried to bury the incident by designating it a pontifical secret.
16. settle 해결하다
It’s time to settle this mano-a-mano.
17. generation 세대
She towers over other dancers of her generation.
18. discuss 토론하다
He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
19. faithful 충실한
He remained faithful to the ideals of the party.
20. elect 선출하다
Let's elect partners by ballot.
21. classical 고전의 , 고전적인
‘Swan Lake’ is one of the great classical ballets.
22. litter 쓰레기
There will be fines for people who drop litter.
23. repair 고치다
The bicycle was beyond repair.
24. honest 정직한
We know her to be honest.
25. besides 게다가
I don’t really want to go. Besides, it’s too late now.
26. population 인구
What per cent of the population is / are overweight?
27. coast 해안
The track hugs the coast for a mile.
28. issue 사건
Big issue.
29. swallow 삼키다
Owls usually swallow their prey whole.
30. shoot 쏘다
Shoot, shoot. Just shoot.