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5분 영어단어 문장외우기 93일 차입니다.
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어제보다 나은 오늘과 내일이 되기 위해
우리 모두 파이팅입니다~!!!
1. index 색인, 지수
It will be published with annotations and index.
2. heritage 유산
The building is part of our national heritage.
3. organization 조직, 단체, 기구
The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
4. appeal 호소하다, 매력, 항소하다
My appeal proved futile.
5. depress 우울하게 하다
Cloudy days always depress me.
6. helpless 무력한
It’s natural to feel helpless against such abuse.
7. thus 따라서
He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
8. harbor 항구
Her room commands a view of the beautiful harbor.
9. quality 질
Who sets the standard for water quality?
10. beg 간청하다
I beg you to have pity on him.
11. lay 눕다
He lay inert with half-closed eyes.
12. pardon 미안해요, 용서
I must crave your pardon.
13. intelligent 총명한
He is intelligent, to be sure, but he’s also very lazy.
14. seldom 좀처럼 ~않는
She seldom, if ever, goes to the theatre.
15. lifelong 일생, 평생의
It had been her lifelong ambition.
16. disabled 장애가 있는
He was disabled in a car accident.
17. courage 용기
Her courage never faltered.
18. attitude 태도
He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.
19. positive 긍정적인
On the positive side, profits have increased.
20. stretch 뻗다, 피다
Stretch the fabric tightly over the frame.
21. politics 정치
Politics infuses all aspects of our lives.
22. envy 부러워하다
I don’t envy her that job.
23. publish 발표하다, 출판하다
The paper had to publish a correction to the story.
24. perform 공연하다
I’m looking forward to seeing you perform.
25. erupt 폭발하다
Why do volcanoes erupt?
26. sore 아픈
I had a sore throat and could only croak.
27. weed 잡초
He trimmed the garden with a weed-whip.
28. architect 건축가
Nina is studying to be an architect.
29. broadcast 방송, 방송하다
The programme was broadcast nationally.
30. embarrass 당황하게 하다
I didn't mean to embarrass you.