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5분 영어단어 문장외우기 86일 차입니다.
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어제보다 나은 오늘과 내일이 되기 위해
우리 모두 파이팅입니다~!!!
1. pity 유감, 동정
Oh, that’s a pity.
2. proverb 격언, 속담
Remember the proverb:“Look before you leap.”
3. exciting 흥분시키는
It’s exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.
4. slave 노예
She treated her daughter like a slave.
5. rush 서두르다, 돌진, 바쁨
We had to rush our meal.
6. concerned 관계있는, 관심 있는, 걱정스러운
I'm not concerned with that matter.
7. contract 계약, 계약하다, 줄어들다, 수축시키다
When a muscle contracts it becomes smaller and tighter.
8. folk 사라들, 가족, 민속의
I’d like a job working with old folk or kids.
9. diver 잠수부
The deep-sea diver put on his diving suit.
10. crowded 붐비는
The waiters threaded between the crowded tables.
11. relative 친척, 상대적인
They now live in relative comfort.
12. stupid 어리석은
Is he stupid or what?
13. nation 국가, 민족
The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV.
14. obey 따르다
Dogs can be trained to obey orders
15. local 지역의
Please say in your local accent. - Local accent?
16. first class 일등석, 일류, 특급, 수석
She always travles first class.
17. purpose 목적
The rule was introduced expressly for this purpose.
18. abroad 외국에
He has never been abroad.
19. knowledge 지식
It is beyond the confines of human knowledge.
20. injure 상처를 입히다, 해를 주다
Much smoking can injure the voice.
21. diet 식사, 다이어트
The diet is based on counting calories.
22. route 길
I think we need to change our rout.
23. challenge 도전, 도전하다
The job doesn’t really challenge her.
24. cultural 문화의
The town is a cultural dead zone.
25. social 사회의
He was not particularly well versed in the social graces.
26. unhappy 불행한
I hate to see you unhappy.
27. athlete 운동선수
The athlete failed a dope test.
28. temperature 온도, 체온
Does he have a temperature?
29. thick 두꺼운, 짙은, 진한
He cut the loaf into thick slices.
30. site 장소, 현장
The city has plans to redevelop the site.
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