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5분 영어단어 문장외우기 88일 차입니다.
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매일매일 꾸준히,
어제보다 나은 오늘과 내일이 되기 위해
우리 모두 파이팅입니다~!!!
1. stomach 위, 배
The attacker kicked him in the stomach.
2. cyberspace 사이버 공간
So instead of getting traditional therapy, she sought solace in cyberspace.
3. strength 사이버 공간
He gasped with surprise at her strength.
4. will 의지, 유언장
5. development 발달, 개발
Development of the area would endanger wildlife.
6. pattern 양식, 무늬
Paisley pattern? Bracken pattern?
7. alarm 경보기, 자명종
Do you know how to deactivate the alarm?
8. dot 점, 점을 찍다
Why do you never dot your i’s?
9. cost 비용
They cost 20p each.
10. focus 초점, 집중하다
Focus the camera on the subject.
11. shock 충격을 주다
He’s in for a shock!
12. fail 실패하다, 낙제하다
About 10% of trainees fail to make the grade.
13. skip 건너뛰다, 깡충깡충 뛰다
He crossed the hall with a hop, skip and a jump.
14. necessary 필요한
She found it necessary to reassert her position.
15. elementary 기본의, 초등학교의
She is my besty from elementary school.
16. flat 평평한
Flat noodles. - Flat noodles?
17. metal 금속
The frame is made of metal.
18. symbol 상징
Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.
19. base 기초, 기반
The refugees are being lodged at an old army base.
20. lock 잠그다, 자물쇠
She rammed the key into the lock.
21. dislike 싫어하다
I took a dislike to him.
22. feed 먹을 것을 주다
Birds feed on nuts and berries in the winter.
23. hang 걸다
Would you hang the washing out?
24. wrap 싸다
Wrap it up carefully to protect against breakage.
25. lonely 외로운
She felt lonely and hopeless.
26. thirsty 목마름
Digging is thirsty work.
27. rude 무례한
It’s rude to point!
28. overweight 과체중의
What percentage of the population is / are overweight?
29. personal 개인의
He was extremely reticent about this personal life.
30. float 뜨다
Can you float on your back?
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